
Licpath.lic autocad 2008
Licpath.lic autocad 2008

licpath.lic autocad 2008

I copied the Autocad install to a dir named acad and put this batch script outside of the acad folder. The VBscript was missing a couple of spaces in the command line, so it wouldn't execute properly. Heres the same info Paul posted, but without the vbscript and in batch script form.so its easier to use and read. GetPath = Left(path, InstrRev(path, "\")) Path = WScript.ScriptFullName ' script file name RetString = retString & "ACADSERVERPATH=" & """" & strADSKServerPath & """" & " " RetString = retString & "ACADLICENSETYPE=" & """" & strADSKLicenseType & """" & " " RetString = retString & "ACADLICENSESERVERTYPE=" & """" & strADSKLicenseServerType & """" & " " RetString = retString & "ACADSTANDALONENETWORKTYPE=" & """" & strACADStandaloneNetworkType & """" & " " RetString = retString & "InstallLevel=5 " RetString = retString & "ACADORGANIZATION=" & """" & strADSKOrganization & """" & " " RetString = retString & "ACADLASTNAME=" & """" & strADSKLastName& """" & " " RetString = retString & "ACADFIRSTNAME=" & """" & strADSKFirstName& """" & " " RetString = retString & "ADLM_PRODKEY=" & strADSKProdKey & " " RetString = retString & "ACADSERIALNUMBER=" & strADSKSNNumber & "" RetString = retString & "ACADSERIALPREFIX=" & strADSKSNPrefix & "" RetString = retString & "INSTALLDIR=" & """" & strADSKPath & """"& " " RetString = retString & " /c " & productType & ": " RetString = retString & "/Language " & strLocale ' /w wait until installation completes before returning to script ' /qb for silent install ' /c override parameters for the key StrADSKServerPath = strADSKServerPath & " " & strADSKServerHostID

licpath.lic autocad 2008

StrADSKLicenseServerType = "Single Server License" ' Update with the correct information for the license server ''' Uncomment the relevant version of your installation - Default is Standalone

licpath.lic autocad 2008

If strLocale "" Then strADSKPath = strADSKPath + " " + strLocale StrADSKPath = Shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ProgramFiles%") + "\" + "AutoCAD 2010" 'Deutchland German, ja-JP = Japan Japanese

licpath.lic autocad 2008

'Locale information, for example en-US = US English, de-DE = StrADSKOrganization = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" StrADSKLastName = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" StrADSKFirstName = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") (or just change the serial number entry to suit) So user is able to change the serial themselves to their serial after installation. this installs with a serial of 000-0000000. To use, just change the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx entries to suit your organisation. We have used the script below to deploy using SMS. Below is the script from the Autocad 2010 doco to do the install, with some minor changes.

Licpath.lic autocad 2008